Centre for Research on Families and Relationships




Do you have some news, or are you running an event that may be of interest to the CRFR Community?

Suggestions must be broadly connected with our focus on research on families and relationships. To recommend your news/event, please contact us.

Collaboration, partnership working and finding unlikely allies – a lunch time seminar invite

The Binks Hub at the University of Edinburgh is hosting an online seminar on Collaboration, Partnership Working and Finding Unlikely Allies on Wednesday 8th March 2023, 12-1pm. The session will be led by the Co-Founder and Director of Take Note, Marianna Hay. Marianna has more than a decade of experience leading small arts organisations and delivering cross-sector collaborative arts for social impact projects.

At the session, Marianna will introduce their approach and share top tips for effective partnership working. There will be an opportunity for a wider group discussion for attendees to share their experiences of working in partnership with others, what they think it needs to be successful, and why collaboration matters.

We hope this session will be of relevance to members of the CRFR network not within academia, especially individuals, community groups, and charities who are looking to work with others, who seek allies across their community and sector, and who want to understand what effective partnership working requires in order to maximise its impact.

If you would like to join the session, you can register at the link via Eventbrite here. You are welcome to forward this invitation to other interested colleagues.