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Book Launch: Gender in South Asia and Beyond
The Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, partnering with GENDER.ED, the Centre for South Asian Studies, and the Department of Sociology presents:
Book Launch: Gender in South Asia and Beyond
Tuesday 29 October
Violet Laidlaw Room, CMB, University of Edinburgh (or online)

Join us for the launch of the essay collection, Gender in South Asia and Beyond, celebrating the scholarship of Professor Patricia Jeffery, Professor Emerita in Sociology, University of Edinburgh. For over 40 years, Patricia carried out pioneering research, individually and in partnership with her colleagues on a range of subjects including gender and development, especially childbearing, women’s reproductive rights, social demography in South Asia, gender and communal politics, education and the reproduction of inequality; race and ethnicity.
Her books, including Frogs in a Well: Indian Women in Purdah (1979) and Appropriating Gender: Women’s Activism, Politicized Religion and the State in South Asia (edited with Amrita Basu, 1998) inspired peers and future scholars alike. In this volume, we bring together a range of new research that is inspired by and intersects with Professor Jeffery’s work. The chapters offer new data, refreshing insights and original analysis on subjects of contemporary importance in the fields of gender, health, marginalization and development.
This collection of essays is available from Zubaan Books.
Further information and registration: