We accept posts from academics, practitioners, and policy makers. We are especially keen to encourage contributions from Early Career Researchers and can provide support with writing and promoting your work. It’s a great way to share information about your research, regardless of the stage you are at. If you’re interested in submitting a blog article to CRFR, please read our blogging style guide for information.
Struggling families in Britain: Addressing the absence of ethnic minority lone mother families in scholarly and policy work
Sarah Akhtar Baz writes on her doctoral research, which aimed to attend to the neglect of Pakistani and Bangladeshi lone mother families in both scholarly and policy work, focusing on the lived experiences of lone mothers living in a Northern English city.
How Streamers and Viewers Offer Support and Care on Twitch
The rise of live streaming platforms creates new ways for people to connect with one another, and for the provision of support and care that is completely mediated by technology.
Read more on Eva Duncanson’s research, which looks at the relationships between streamers
Family Estrangement and the Evolution of Social Policies to Recognize It
There are a growing number of media articles seeking to address a ‘new epidemic’ of family relationships going ‘no contact’. However, there has been surprisingly little research on why family ties are not lifelong and the impact of this.
How is the value of co-producing research understood?
Helen Berry began her doctoral research just over a year ago, exploring the co-production of research. But her journey through the subject matter began before that.
Read more on the challenges of defining co-produced research, what we know of its outcomes, and how
What is care? And what does it look like? Co-creating the ‘Images of Care’ exhibition.
by Nichole Fernández
When you hear the word “care,” what images come to mind? Read more about a brilliant exhibition, ‘Images of Care’, which was developed out of extensive participatory research with the desire to show a more balanced view of care in
“It’s all human stories” – Teachers’ Relational Agency to Accommodate Migrant Students in Scotland, Finland and Sweden
by Cecilia Gialdini
The Teaching That Matters for Migrant Students (TEAMS) Project aimed to uncover how teachers make use of relational agency in supporting migrant students in Scotland, Finland, and Sweden. Read Cecilia Gialdini, the projects Postdoc Fellow, on the projects findings.
Reconceptualising Resilience – A CRFR Seminar
by Emma Davidson and Maddi Bunker
At our final seminar last term, CRFR had the pleasure of welcoming our Associate Director, Lisa McDaid, and her colleague Stephanie Wyeth, from the University of Queensland to reflect and reconceptualise ‘resilience’. In this blog, CRFR Co-Director
NETREP Project Update
by Liliana A. Arias-Urueña
Have you thought about having (or not having) children or starting a family? This is the question we discussed with 55 participants interviewed in Scotland, Finland and Portugal in our ongoing research project.