Introducing The Centre for Transformative Change:
Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) blog
by Professor Divya Jindal-Snape
Professor Divya Jindal-Snape is an Associate Director at CRFR
This is the official blog of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships.
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There is a growing body of activity focused on collecting and disseminating the early experiences of COVID-19 and its wide-ranging impact on communities of research, policy and practice.
The Centre for Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) blog series is one such initiative. An inter-disciplinary and cross-university research centre based at Dundee University, the Centre’s aim is to impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for wellbeing through an international network of researchers, professionals and communities.
The COVID blog series is written by transitions researchers, practitioners and policy makers, as well as those who are experiencing these transitions. Issues covered research-informed perspectives on the impact of COVID on different types of transitions and wellbeing, and some strategies to support transitions that people are experiencing.
The aim is to provide rapid research-based information about the impact of COVID on educational and life transitions and to suggest strategies to enhance transition experiences. In so doing, it seeks to support families, professionals and policy makers with transitions due to COVID-19.
More information about TCELT here. More information about the network here.
Access the blog here and remember to follow the Centre on Twitter @IntrTcelt.