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Using and designing surveys with, for, and on children and young people
Monday 2nd December
11am – 12pm
Violet Laidlaw Room, Chrystal Macmillan Building

There is a wealth of datasets on children and young people’s lives internationally. Many include self-completion questionnaires which allow children and young people to share their views and experiences. Designing and working with such data is complex and ethically challenging, especially when involving individuals living in vulnerable situations. In this seminar, we will hear reflections from two researchers – Marie Kvalø, Artic University of Norway, and Dalia Avello Vega, University of Edinburgh -both of whom are working with survey data involving children and young people. The presentations will be followed by reflections from two quantitative experts, Dr Valeria Skafida and Dr Christopher Wretman. We will end with an open discussion within the audience.
Register: Eventbrite