Dr Emma Davidson
Associate Director:
Dr Ariane Critchley
Theme: Childhood & Youth
CRFR is a leader in research on childhood and youth issues. Through our large body of empirical research, the Centre has contributed to the new social studies of childhood and the view of children as competent social actors. Underpinning our approach to childhood and youth research is our commitment to innovative approaches and, in particular, participatory research. More recent work has focused on relational understandings of childhood, interdependencies and social networks; relationality in care practices; intergenerational relationships; and children and young people’s role on political processes and decision-making. We seek to work collaboratively with research participants, service users, practitioners and policymakers, and are committed to challenging rather than reinforcing current hierarchies and exclusions to inform policies and practices that shape the lives of children and families.
CRFR Briefing 92: Young Edinburgh Action: YEA We Can!
CRFR Briefing 91: Can we put the ‘poverty of aspiration’ myth to bed now?
CRFR Briefing 90: Love, fatherhood and possibilities for social change
CRFR Briefing 87: Implementing children and young people’s participation in decision-making: The role of non-governmental organisations
CRFR Briefing 85: Young Edinburgh Action: Reinvigorating young people’s participation in Edinburgh
CRFR Briefing 84: Children’s views on contact with non-resident fathers in the context of domestic abuse
CRFR Briefing 78: Your space or mine? The role of public space in the lives of young people
CRFR Briefing 68: Legally binding agreements: property division and child care when relationships break down
CRFR Briefing 65: Hearing children in court disputes between parents
CRFR Briefing 61: Exploring children’s experiences of migration: movement and family relationships
CRFR Briefing 60: Me and my befriender: exploring adult/child befriending relationships
CRFR Briefing 58: Listening to and learning from children and young people affected by parental alcohol problems
A History of working-class marriage, 1855 – 1976
Children and young people’s participation: from fashion accessory to part of the fabric:
Briefing 1 – Children and young people’s participation in policy-making: making it meaningful, effective and sustainable
Briefing 2 – Children and young people’s participation in policy-making: sharing practice
Children in Scotland supplement on children and young people’s participation
Cool with change:
CRFR Briefing part 1
CRFR Briefing part 2
Final Report
Delayed childbearing and childlessness in Britain: the 1958 and 1979 cohorts compared
Early years policy and services
Early years practice – consulting with young children
Empowered and Effective Decision Making
Exploring children’s relationships across majority and minority worlds:
Seminar presentations
Journal articles and other publications
Children and young people’s participation in policy making (briefing)
Exploring children’s experiences of migration: movement and family relationships (briefing)
Family values in Scotland
Fertility variations in Scotland: socio-cultural attitudes and interactions
Futures and Family: Italy, Spain and the UK